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Abstract Glow

T h e r a p e u t i c  A p p r o a c h

My therapeutic approach in grounded in the Experiential-Symbolic orientation to therapy as pioneered, primarily, through the works and writings of Carl Whitaker and Virginia Satir. 


In addition, I utilize therapeutic elements and tools from Jungian Depth Psychology, Internal Family Systems Therapy and Narrative Psychology.


I also use storytelling as a therapeutic tool to help us learn how to better understand our own personal narratives, as well as engaging a healing process to recover from wounded stories, while at the same time building new stories of ourselves based in compassion, authenticity, healing and inner reconciliation.

F e e s,  I n s u r a n c e  &
C o n t a c t   I n f o r m a t i o n

I offer both in-person and online therapeutic services through REDMOND THERAPY GROUP, located at:


8250 165th Ave. NE, Ste. #208

Redmond, WA 98052


Office Phone: 425-589-9900

Website: (click on the link below).







I am licensed in the state of Washington, and my scope of practice extends only to residents of Washington State. To book an appointment, you must contact our office to verify your insurance information and to get scheduled.


My current fee for both individual and family therapy is $145.00 per hour, and $160.00 for the initial intake assessment. Fees apply to both in-person and online counseling services.


Please note, that while I am paneled with some insurance companies, I am not paneled with all of them. It is your responsibility, as a prospective client, to check with your insurance company prior to our first visit to see if I am on their panel. All fees denied by your insurance become your responsibility, as a client, to be paid in full.​


In order to avoid lapses in coverage or care, please make sure you fill out all required paperwork prior to our first visit, which will be emailed to you after you have contacted our office staff and verified your insurance.

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